Managers of all 50's teams,
The FHC Board of Directors has voted to try out a HR limit for the 50's Division. It will be a 3-month experiment for now and will be evaluated in April.
The limit will be as follows:
A Division will be 14 HRs and then an out.
B and below will be 10 HRs and then an out.
Most travel ball teams only get up to 10 HRs when they go to big tournaments. We want you to be able to free swing, but still be conscious of your limit. Any ball that ...
We are going back to requiring players to present their FHC ID cards and state issued photo ID at the tournaments.
Mike KnowlesFHC Chairman
As of January 1, 2923, the Rabbit Runner will be changed to the following:
The RR will start at a point 3 feet behind the rear back left corner of the catcher's box, looking out to the field of play. He may not start to run until the ball is hit by the batter. If he does, he is out, and all other runners return. If the RR rounds first base and touches 2nd base, in a normal play, he is out, and the other base runners return.
Once the ball is hit, the RR may not run beyond the first base bag unless:
& ...
We have 4 items that need Managers' attention. Please read the following...
Managers, alert your teams that we start checking ID's and FHC Cards this October, which means...
Managers, a handful of you have contacted me, or had your Player contact me, about getting a medical waiver regarding getting a courtesy runner for the batter. In every circumstance...
There is some confusion regarding the Commitment Line Rule...
Here are the rules regarding what happens when a game is shortened due to weather...
Specific rules about the Pitching Screen, Mercy/Run Rule, and Run Limits added.
Managers, the cut-off date for Medical Waivers is November 1st. Please contact Mike Knowles ASAP with your request. You will need...